Emergencies : 111
  General Enquiries : (09) 4057709

Community Health & Wellbeing Services

Our Community Health & Wellbeing services are integrated and comprehensive. They cover the provision of general practitioner services in combination with community / district nursing services throughout the Hokianga area – at the nine health clinics in outlying rural areas plus daily clinics at Rawene.

Hauora Hokianga General Practitioners (GPs) have developed specialist interests including rural medicine, mental health, palliative care, emergency medicine, obstetrics, teaching and minor surgery.

Our Community Health Nurses practice as generalist nurses. The nurses provide a full range of public health nurse activities, well-child care/tamariki ora, long term conditions, dental health services, cervical & breast screening, district nursing and practice nursing during general practitioner clinics.

School Nurse and Diabetes Nurse Specialists integrate with the community health nursing team.

The Hauora Hokianga Nurse Practitioner complements the integrated medical / nursing team and provides focus on the management and support for patients with chronic conditions and cardiac rehabilitation.

Kaimanaaki Tangata (KMTs or community health support workers) provide a service as part of a wider team, that support the needs of our clients to maintain optimum health status. KMTs bring together expertise and community knowledge as they work to support whanau at risk in a culturally appropriate manner.

The clinic services are supported by allied health services including physiotherapy, radiography, podiatry, dermatology, outpatient specialist clinics and counselling.

Emotional Wellbeing and Social Services
Home & Community Support Services
Community Development and Health Promotion

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