Emergencies : 111
General Enquiries : (09) 4057709
Bowel cancer is the second-highest cause of cancer death in New Zealand, but it shouldn’t be – it’s beatable and treatable if diagnosed early enough. The month of June is where we can do our part to raise awareness around Bowle Cancer.
You can download resources to help raise awareness this June including posters, social media tiles, banners and an email signature to empower you to spread word this Awareness Month. Whether in your workplace, marae, sports club, or retirement village, you can make a difference.
Bowel cancer is 90% curable if caught early, so do a quick symptoms checker today! Check the boxes that apply, send them to yourself, then show the email to your GP.
Symptoms can come and go, so don’t wait if you have any bowel concerns, no matter what age you are.
Click the link below which has been taken from the official Bowel Cancer Symptoms Checker website: